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Date: Oct 13 2004


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

“We were exhausted, wrecked, absolutely wrecked. At that point in time, we had been on tour for over two years and slowly our fuses blew.”
- Billie Joe Armstrong of Greenday, in an interview with Gabriella.


1. Definition - Study the definition.

when you blow a fuse, it means that the stress becomes too much and you just explode

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

A fuse is a piece of electrical equipment used to regulate electricity in the house. When you are using too much electricity, the fuse blows. I blew a fuse in my house last week because I was cooking, listening to the radio, using my computer and trying to microwave something all at once. When I told my husband, he was really busy doing stuff for work and his students. He blew a fuse. He got really angry at the problem.


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

””My dad blew a fuse when I came home past midnight after the prom. I thought it would be okay, but he was very upset.”“

””I blew a fuse at work the other day because I had so much to do. I just couldn’t balance all of the projects that I had from all of my co-workers.”“

””What is your problem? I can’t believe how you just blew a fuse like that over a small glass of spilt milk!”“


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

We lost our temper, we flew into a temper, got angry.
by Kasia (Mielec, Poland)
OUR FUSES BLEW means that they were tired of being on tour.As they said,they were exhausted and absolutely wrecked.I think they must be most bored.
by Stephanie (Xi’an, China)
explode… that’s it…
by Mario (Floripa, Brazil)
gone, no more
by yu (hk, china)
burn out
by lichen (shanghai, china)
something works beyond the capacity, in portuguese we can say “queimou os fusíveis”
by priscylla (cpq, brazil)
our fuses blow : it means we burst out into anger.
by linda (xiamen, china)
To melt or otherwise become disabled. Used of a fuse
by Yizhe (beijing, China)
I think that means to be at ones wits end,to lose the last strength.
not to be able to continue any more.
by Arevik (Gavar, Armenia)
blew means like, end up something, It means like: get something stopped or exhausted.
by Alvaro (La Serena, Cuarta Región, Chile)
Here “blew” means; it’s gone, it’s over.
by Dilhun (Istanbul, Türkiye)
unable to stay calm, and easily get angry.
by Matilda (Taipei, ROC)
it means to melt a fuse which can not be used anymore, destroy.
in the sentence, it means something makes one disappointed at all, confused about the outside world, no self-esteem and self-confidence.
by May04 (Hangzhou, China)
i thing blew means to burn or situation becomes worse!
by joanna (changsha , China )
i guess the blew means somethings you use too much excess its capacity ,that lead to exhausted and damage in the end.
by jessie (xiamen, china)
growing, gradually, from the less to the more
by lz (T.J., P.R.C)
blew”, I think is when we get our edge.
by Ricardo (Salvador, Brazil)
blow away,use up
by duoyi (Chengdu, China)

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